
At the genesis of METACUBE, there is the desire to create an open, transparent and community-governed NFT game where IG and IRL completely merge.

We want the Community to be able to pilot the future of METACUBE, which is why investment in the project and in-game actions can allow an ascent in the decision-making sphere.

Everything related to the project is handled via The Square and everything strictly in-game is managed by The Earth Parliament.


❤️ To federate a Community you need meaning; but we cannot promote values that we are not capable of assuming (if you are an oil extractor, do you really think you are credible on your "other" actions concerning global warming ? Seriously ?).

❤️ Meaning is good, but generosity is better. (and that's why we have free NFTs)

❤️ We will be 100% transparent. And also sincere. Building a community is like building a love story. No one forgives lies.

❤️ Our first Community is Discord. We love it! Our dearest wish is to make it happy and proud of what we will do together.

❤️ If we don't know how to solve a problem, we will ask. People like to be involved. And very often they have answers. And if we are wrong, at least the community will forgive us (and also allow us to be less wrong!)

❤️ You must first create the community to hope to have a strong product, a valuable brand, supported by an ambitious project. And not the opposite.

❤️ Building a community is not marketing, it's an emotional business through an intangible connection. It's building together. We want the community at the heart of the project's product development.

❤️ Developing a community in a such project, for such a product, it's not avoiding conflicts, it's embracing them at every step to grow faster and stronger. Together.

❤️ There are big influencers (And they can be useful); nevertheless communities are stronger when everyone plays his role.

❤️ We dont want to control Communities.

❤️ Our project is gigantic, ambitious and concrete. We want a human, intellectual, financial, entrepreneurial and... community adventure. Together. Again.

Last updated