11,111 Game NFTs and 142 Shareholder NFTs
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11,111 Game NFTs and 142 Shareholder NFTs
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"Sovereignty lies in the ownership of the individual over his person and his property and in the freedom to dispose of it, implying the right to guarantee his property and his freedom himself or to have them guaranteed by others... If an individual where a collection of individuals uses its sovereignty to found an establishment intended to provide for the satisfaction of any need whatsoever, it has the right to exploit it and to direct it according to the impulses of its interest, as well as to fix at the price of its products and services at its discretion. It is the sovereign right of the producer. But this right is naturally limited by that of other no less sovereign individuals, considered in their double capacity of producers and consumers."
Political Evolution and the Revolution, Gustave de Molinari, ed. G. Reinwald, 1884, p. 410 by Gustave de Molinari
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