
The team is made up of 2 founders, a network of entrepreneurial collaborators, soon a community and a set of subcontractors, a close board and a group of relatives, specialists, experts or involved in crypto projects (some of which have raised $100 million - NDA for now).

At this stage of development, around October 2022, the project already totals around 80,000 euros excluding tax, and has mobilized around 8 to 10 people, including 2 almost full-time and around 2,000 hours of work including nearly 400 dedicated solely to the analysis of crypto projects and economic models.

Vincent Pinte Deregnaucourt

Co-Founder Project Director

Aka: “Vicnent Old Carolus”

"Approved Scientific Expert" by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, he is a consultant for the BPI (France, French state bank for investment) for Artificial Intelligence projects over 1 million fundraising.

Consultant, he advises, pilots, prepares, animates and manages Research and Development Business Units in companies for nearly 15 years, with a size of 5 to 50 people, and budgets of several tens of millions of euros sometimes (max budget: 124 million Euros)

Mathematician and engineer by training in the fields of Operational Research and Artificial Intelligence (he is notably a specialist in vision and TAL in AI), he has long been interested in the problems of games and their mathematical models. (in particular the paradoxes arising from imbalances, Nash equilibria) and their related economic models.

As an entrepreneur, he has developed the first platform in France for over-the-counter loans (crowdfunding - banking license as an intermediary in banking operations) as well as several innovative companies and totals several million euros in fundraising. As such, he has already received several national awards for the development of his startups.

He is also a science teacher in Bachelor's and Master's degrees in several Grandes Ecoles in Paris; he is also a lecturer, columnist and is about to release a popular essay on the dangers of AI in 2023. He mined Bitcoin in 2014. But that's an old memory.

He started the project part-time in September 2021, and moved to full-time on the project for which he has overall responsibility since August 2022.

François Crozemarie

Co-Founder Game Director

Aka: “Croze”

Business Analyst, François guides businesses in improving processes, products, services and software through data analysis. Agile worker, François enjoys straddling the line between IT and the business to improve efficiency.

Entrepreneur, passionate about digital and Web3, François created his first company in 2008 and multiplied his experiences until he launched, in parallel with his various missions, a mobile application for art and philosophy: L'Éphéméride d'Hermès (20K+ downloads).

Lego in jumpsuits, Lemmings on Atari. At the cradle François begins to play everything, everywhere, all the time. 35 years later, no one could say with certainty that he spent more time IRL (In Real Life) than on the accumulation of Anarchy Online, Starcraft, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft, Street Fighter, Conan Exiles, HearthStone, League Of Legend, PUBG, Rocket-League, Lost Ark… not to mention his countless months raking chips in Las Vegas poker rooms. In truth, it is very difficult to imagine how much of a player François is without having known him. Every hour spent with him is an opportunity to see you offer a wacky bet, whether he challenges you to a game of balance or presents you with a game for which he has just invented the rules. His knowledge of game mechanics coupled with his analytical and creative mind naturally led him to the throne of Game Director.

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