The time of the pandemic confrontation

October 18, 2019. Huang (黄), Zhao (趙) are two friends who go fishing.

As part of their weekend they meet up with friends, and they decide to hunting..

What they don't know yet is that a bat will have been eaten by their animal and that as a result, they will be patient 0 and 1 of a global pandemic that will take 13 years for authorities to bring under control.

Between 2020 and 2021, we will have a classic global pandemic with around 7 million deaths, 6,000 per day in the first year, and almost 10,000 per day in 2021.

2022 is a pivotal year: several vaccines are developed and in 2022, almost the entire urban population is vaccinated.

In 2023, a new very aggressive variant “Kappa - Covid” is born: it attacks children and adolescents with violence, people over 70 become highly at risk even though they are in good health. It is 13 million deaths that are added. Schools are shut down; The public services which have been on the whole under tension for 3 years, are beginning to show signs of fatigue such that some parts of the population cannot be treated: problems of financing, fatigue, resignation, death: the general disorganization goes global. Large manufacturers are also hard hit, for example, car production is in free fall, world trade on the one hand, but also electricity production on the other hand, are experiencing hazards and it is not uncommon for blackouts to occur from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. plunging hundreds of millions of people into great hardship. Due to the War between Russia and Ukraine, the latter fully supported by Europe, oil and gas supplies are cut off in mid-2022.

Vaccines progress is slow in 2023 and it is at the beginning of 2024, on January 22, 2024 that the Earth experiences its first global earthquake.

That day, patient 0 arrives at Princeton University General Hospital. He has tested positive for COVID (his 4th since 2020), suffers from a form of pneumonia and has rashes. This patient will unfortunately die of a generalized infection on February 13. This case will be studied at length because previous research carried out among others with DiipMd, the largest artificial intelligence company in the world, had shown that in specific cases, variants of COVID could lead to forms such as this patient presented; but above all the results of diipMd had indicated that if this kind of mutation happened, then it would be absolutely catastrophic: these mutations would in fact make the virus both very contagious, and very virulent because of its ability to cross the pulmonary barrier and to be found in the blood with an ability to bind to T4 lymphocytes: in fact, the virus attacks almost first and foremost the immune defense system and that collapses, transforming the patient into leukemia flesh in 3 weeks leading invariably to death after 7 days of coma.

2024 is a pivotal year because 145,000,000 deaths will be recorded that year. With the disorganization of states that followed, it was directly the world's production of goods and services that began to collapse.

Added to this is a Monkey Pox virus which is spreading like wildfire. 230 million dead. For the third consecutive year, the birth rate is falling with only 123 million births instead of the usual 150. The population has already fallen to 7.5 billion people, i.e. 100 million less than 4 years earlier: this is understandable: deaths and the low birth rate now outweigh the usual compensation of the number of births over the number of death.

At the end of 2024, the world had been locked down "Chinese style" for 7 months, nation-states were is disarray, and people the death rate seems beyond control. While in 2025 projections had been at 500 million, it is finally 240 in 2025, but 320 then 240 the following two years.

Actually, 2027 was the pivotal year: not only was it not 500 to 600 million deaths but only 280. Indeed, despite the global social, legal, industrial and commercial disorganization on a world scale, the scientists around the world decided the previous year to pool all of their research. And a generic vaccine has been found. In 2029, many people will be vaccinated and over the following two years will see the number of deaths from the Kappa variant of Covid being only 210 and then 120 million.

Finally, we arrive in 2030 with a rather general disorganization of the world.

This pandemic period results in a number of wars due to the lack of energy with the progressive depletion of both oil and gas resources.

The number of additional deaths, due to this pandemic over this decade, amounts to 1.9 billion, in the meantime, the global birth rate has been dropping, with 120 million births per year..

2030 was the year when the first nations, starved, collapse into anarchy with the police, military, justice, hospitals, or education systems dissolving. The people, or what was left of them, revolted completely, giving way to hords plundering property...

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