
The pod is the new vehicle of human consciousness in the year 4444. It is through this that the player can act in the world. The great machine, mother of all holograms is also that of the pod. In the year 4444, after discovering a habitable zone, the great machine drops 11111 of these charming robots on Earth.

The pods are armored spheres of technology measuring 30cm in diameter, feature a high-performance ultra-dense quantum nano battery, articulated arms that can perform simple actions like attacking or collecting resources on the ground, physical storage space and finally a slot system allowing it to evolve.


The movement of the POD is done thanks to ZQSD while the mouse is used for the direction of the viewfinder and therefore for the skill shots. This allows for tight, skill-based gameplay: the player can move in one direction while shooting in another.

XP and levels

As quests and various actions progress, the pod increases in skill to reach level 40. Each level gained gives access to new crafts, bosses and also to a statistical point.


As the 40 levels are taken, the player can spend his 40 points in one of these 4 branches. Equipping the POD also provides additional points that boost these stats.

Calibration influences the damage done by the POD.

The shielding affects the damage reduction of the POD.

The footprint represents the load that the POD can carry.

The Battery represents the endurance of the POD.

The Skill Tree

The talent tree will be defined with the community, both for the skills and for the name of the skills. Here is an alpha version.

The slots system

The METAPOD uses slots for several types of implants and thus evolves according to your wishes.

The METAPOD has a red slot that allows it to insert attack and/or harvest arms.

The purple two-slot METAPOD that allows him to insert tools of all kinds to increase his statistics, to have offensive objects to generate walls of flames, acid puddles, to stun the opponent and also to obtain additional capacities, often using drones. (Drone jammers of waves, healing drones, drone protector of stuff)...

Advanced Pod

At the maximum level, the player can evolve his pod using all these slots. It thus becomes an advanced pod no longer equipped with 3 slots but with 5 slots, which gives it a substantial advantage.

Moreover, in addition to the humanoid form, other advanced pod forms are accessible in the talent tree, such as the FROG POD or the SPIDER TANK POD.

The Roving Drone

The Roving Drone is a mysterious entity posing as an offshoot of the Great Machine. The drone passes daily and offers deals. This may be certain items, a daily quest, skins payable in $MTCB, or even resource exchanges.

Devotion directly influences the quality of items and deals offered by the Roving Drone.

Group play

To survive unity is strength, this has been the case since the dawn of time and probably for the dawn of time to come. Also, it is possible for the player to organize himself into a tribe and then into a clan to gain respect and ensure that reprisals worthy of the name can be put in place if another player dared to attack you.

Tribes and clans

The player will have to take part in a tribe (Max 10 people), itself having to be added to a clan (max 50 people) to hope to prosper or at least survive a little.

Tribes and clans are separated into different scales of hierarchies configurable by the tribal and clan leader. A chat is available at the tribe level and at the clan level.


When the POD dies, its inventory remains in place and it must wait a while before respawning where it paired its GPS coordinates with the large machine. Death is therefore very punitive and can give way to real drama. The tension of being afraid of losing gear drastically increases the pressure in a survival game and makes for a much more intense experience.

Program your pod

Any survival game player knows this. We sometimes spend a lot of time collecting resources and it could be very satisfying to be able to make certain journeys or take certain resources without needing to be present.

That's why we want to be able to automate some basic actions of the pod so it can work even when you're afk. Like going to such a place then mining and fighting if there is a fight. The goal is to be able to play meme afk and thus be able to be active.

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