
“ You have to strive for the impossible: the great feats throughout history have been the conquest of what seemed impossible. ” -Charlie Chaplin

"Connection. Account. Launch the session. Discord. Check. The clan is ready, tonight we are launching a raid. Stocks are high and I've unlocked a new skill that will be very useful. My pet, found in an exploration quest, allows me to carry around a lot of boost and spare gear. If we accomplish enough deeds tonight, our prestige in the Council will continue to grow, just before the new instance."

Video games have come a long way since home consoles and their physical media. Scripted stories gave way to open worlds and procedural maps, then MMOs extended the game to the whole Earth in epic adventures.

Gamers' concerns have changed, both in-game and in everyday life. They need more freedom and choice. No more linear quests and unique endings, long live the ultra-personalization of the gaming experience. They need a more realistic simulation, with engines that manage the physics of objects, the weather, the passage of time, because the consistency of a virtual universe improves its immersion. Finally, longevity and replayability have become a legitimate requirement: the playful gaming experience is long-lasting, whether it concerns alternative scenarios or events that federate.

The fear of the Great Cosmic Filter, this theory which explains why extraterrestrial civilizations do not communicate, concerns about climatic upheavals and pandemic risks offer new imaginary spaces for new adventures, closer to survivalism or the reconstruction of society after a disaster. As for AI as the next master of humanity (or what is left of it), it is an old fear but one that seems increasingly plausible.

Métacube was born from these observations, but also from personal desires. There are already total games where the dimensions are almost infinite, in-game as well as outside: exploit, transform, route, coordinate, spy… But they are repetitive (Foxhole) or struggle to succeed (Star Citizen). What about a handy game that offers truly satisfying gameplay in all its dimensions, from skirmish to management game? When will there be a game where you can program repetitive tasks like farming and crafting?

Tired of not finding it, we decided to build it ourselves. By adding dimensions of collection, co-management, but also competition for rarity thanks to NFTs. Steeped in SF culture, our universe places human consciousness in robotic pods run by the Great Machine, which issues orders and rewards like a low-key demiurge. Welcome to 4444, the Metacube is reaching out to you.

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