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Attacking with his METAPOD is done using weapons.
To work, these weapons generally require plugging into an available red slot.
While a pod can only use one weapon at a time, an evolved pod with two red slots will be able to use two weapons at the same time, a weapon and a shield or a weapon requiring the use of two red slots.
There are different types of weapons (swords/spears/axes/photon cannonsβ¦) offering a completely different fighting style. The spear will for example allow you to have a lot of reach, the sword to chain the blows with great speed, the ax allows you to make many circular blows, the photon cannon to shoot from a distance in spray...
The weapon equipped by the pod always has 2 attack styles. A so-called classic main attack and a secondary attack and a charged attack.
For example, with a lightning gun, the primary attack fires energy balls, the secondary attack fires short-range cone lightning waves while the charged attack creates lightning in the desired direction with an indexed duration on the pod's battery.
Switching from one weapon to another therefore drastically changes the gameplay of your pod, you will have to master and understand each weapon to best manage PVP combat. The desired goal is for the weapons to be really different while remaining balanced so that everyone can have their preference.
The fauna on earth has changed a lot in four millennia and is now made up of insects, rodents, birds and lizards and they are sometimes very very large like this acid-spitting beetle.
Some are aggressive, some aren't, some dangerous, some very dangerous like the acid-spitting beetle that melts cast iron at breakneck speed.
You can kill mobs for several reasons. This could be as part of a quest, to get resources (glands from acid-spewing beetles to fuel your acid-pouring sword's reserves, for example), to get exp, or simply to the pleasure of crushing those wretched insects which had had the nerve to grow so large during our absence.
Some events will appear at random times, such as the presence of a world boss requiring the mutual aid of players or the discovery of an instance after the collapse of a meteorite.
You can also take advantage of the bestiary to breed and thus be accompanied by all kinds of life. You will simply need to have the required skills as well as a Crispr Cas9 which allows you to cut the DNA and modify it as you wish, then you will be able to experiment with crazy creations with which you may have real ties.
PvP can be surrounded by an arena or not. Wild PvP will likely be present around interesting resources. Wild PvP may be more or less tolerated by the great machine depending on the policy in force. If the big machine forbids it and it sees you killing a player you will lose devotion (but you will gain his equipment or a part of it).