Game Development

The development of METACUBE will be carried out by a studio specialized in isometric 3D video game programming. This will be done, and we hope to do so, in close collaboration with the community. Throughout the process, from the explanation of the paradigms and other dilemmas, through the specifications to the ß.0 version, reports will be offered. As of the end of September 2022, close contacts have already been made with studios.

We will constantly work on the game's specifications in a Founders - Community - Studio triangle, in an intelligent and agile way, in order to limit development time as much as possible.

Assembling elements

Thus, in an intense and rich document our Lore, our talent tree, the detail of the combat systems, the arenas, the races, but also the weather elements, breeding, object transfer via electromagnetic beam, our map overall, the different chapters of the game, the more efficient the studio can be by constantly having a vision of the final situation in advance. At this stage, we have already worked on the subject and although not everything is formalized today, we already have a clear vision of what we are proposing, a lot of notes, and this will be discussed with the community. Our 3D models are generally ready.

All these elements put end to end also ensure that we can impose a strong identity, a clear orientation and a facilitated partnership.

Control of the game by his means

The development of the game requires different and complementary means.

Our expertise in managing very large projects is very substantial. Our will is immense and our desire to go to the end is absolutely infinite. We have experience in leading communities as well as fundraising.

Our community will obviously be there. Whether it is made up of 25,000 or 250,000 people, we are convinced that a “team-core” will be created on which we can rely. And history will obviously prove us right. And they will be thanked as they should be. We have a code of honor and a certain memory for it.

Depending on the trust that the community will give us through the various sales and general Mint, we will move towards one game development studio rather than another with regard to the means at our disposal.

It is also possible that later at the Mint, the ambition of the project will push us to raise funds from Venture Capitals during a second round. In this context, shareholders and therefore holders of an NFT ALEPH ZERO ℵ₀ would see their shares clearly revalued.

The notion of “Global Brain”

By implementing a "Global Brain", all gathered and strained towards the success of the project, we want to give birth to this incredible game, in the form of a product that will forever mark gaming in general, and blockchain technologies and the Tokenomics of Play & Earn in particular, by achieving a landmark performance and a model that will become a benchmark.

This process of the Global Brain has been used since the dawn of time to success. Our leadership will have to see to it that it achieves the “perfect covenant” of all, in all, all the time.

In his book “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill relates the following anecdote:

Unable to answer several questions of general knowledge, Henry Ford launched to his assailant:

“I have in my office a row of electric buttons. All I have to do is press one of them to summon a man who can answer any question […]. Now will you be kind enough to explain to me why, for the sole purpose of answering your questions, I should have my brains stuffed with general knowledge when I am surrounded by collaborators who make up for any shortcomings or failings on my part ?"

For Napoleon Hill, “the man who knows where to find the knowledge he needs and how to use it according to action plans, that one is an educated man”.

He adds that he “who is capable of organizing and directing a 'collective brain' bringing together the knowledge necessary for the accumulation of wealth is as educated as any member of this “brain”. ».

We have extraordinary will, we have immense experience, a dedicated strong community: Now, let's feed this Brain!

Last updated